As reports Bloomberg referring to informed sources, the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is one of the most probable candidates for the acquisition of German generic company Ratiopharm GmbH. In addition to Teva potential buyers may become Ratiopharm French Sanofi-Aventis SA and Chinese Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. The second round of the auction ends this week. Teva representative comment on market rumors refused. According to sources, for further talks about buying Ratiopharm will be invited to 4-6 companies.
Initially, the applicants were not less than ten. Banking Commerzbank AG and Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, of focal transaction, do not accept offers lower than 2 billion euros (three billion U.S. dollars). Earlier, Teva argued that 2,5-3 billion euros too high a price for Ratiopharm. However, according to analysts, the company may be willing to pay that amount to expand its presence in Europe, especially Germany, where its position is not too strong. On the acquisition of Ratiopharm may also claim American companies Mylan Inc., Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Pfizer Inc.
In 2008, sales of the German company made 1.7 billion euros. Experts believe Ratiopharm ineffective by reason, in their view, the new owners will have to take measures for its restructuring. May be necessary to reduce staff, which is very difficult for the German law providing benefits, at least a year. m
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