Room Galician pharmacies depended on the financial capacity of the owner. Furnishings, showcases serve primarily advertising goals.
In the pharmacies used different tools - from primitive glasses and flasks of alchemists to the latest at the time of equipment - microscopes, analytical balances. The chemist, used different scales, manual typewriters to make pills and suppositories, shtanglassami porcelain, earthenware and made of stained glass and wood and metal, with inscriptions, frames, and the emblems of pharmacy sets mortars, presses for the manufacture of juices from herbs and fruits , travorezkami, infundirnymi apparatus, distilling stills for distilled water and alcohol, wine barrels and amphorae from clay for syrups, bast, wood, metal boxes for storing medicines.
In 1784 in Galicia entered the Vienna system measures and weights, and sternly forbidden to use the old Polish system of measures.
ripSobstvenniki pharmacies showed great interest in the invention of new devices, as they systematically informed pharmaceutical journals. So, interesting and informative article was "pharmaceutical scales" ("Pharmaceutical Gazette, 1888) - about the different types of weights, their practical application, the metric measure.
Per weight unit was adopted apothecary pound Libra, abbreviated as Lb is divided into 12 ounces. One ounce was 12 drachmas. One dram - 3 skurpuly / scurpulium /, one skurpula - 20 Grand Prix, one grand prize - the weight of one seed.
Provincial Health Council demanded that the pharmacists kept their equipment in perfect order. Analytical balances should be on a dedicated table for them and protected from vibration. All reagents and equipment - some of the cabinets, placed in an accessible location.
Board of Health has recognized equitable application pharmacists Eastern Galicia that withdraw from the rural pharmacies complex equipment, microscopes, analytical balances: they require a highly qualified pharmacists, therefore, hardly used.
Range Galician pharmacies XVIII-XIX centuries. 80% consisted of herbal medicines, which 57,7% - food processing plant raw material (oils, resins, essences and juice), chemicals were 6,7-10%, products of animal origin 7-10%.
Among the dosage forms were medicine, powders, drops, syrups, infusions, as well as a mixture of herbs.
In pharmacies also produced cakes, marzipan, liqueur and vodka products.
Stiff competition and the profit motive encouraged pharmacists to produce such products, which were not in other pharmacies.
With the development of pharmacies in research laboratories has increased output of goods produced by chemical processing. For example, the owner of the pharmacy "Under the gold star", a famous entrepreneur K. Mikolyash, set up production of various cosmetics, laboratory glass, paints and lacquers.
Although government regulations declared sale potions only the prerogative of the pharmacies, in fact medicinal substances sold everything they wanted. In each of notions, confectionery, vodka shops, even in the tailor shop you could see a variety of drugs in bottles, boxes and packages, labels are adorned with emblems of European countries and detailed evidence of their effectiveness.
Entire columns of edge and foreign newspapers were set aside for advertising universal miracle drugs, which was confirmed by prominent European doctors.
Each year the number of new drugs has increased, as their name, intended to superstitious man in the street, there were probably from the dead languages.
Lviv naive readers of magazines offered rings and perepaski, which allegedly included the strength of electrical and magnetism, tinctures, tablets, and pastes with the addition of the holy relics. Tout the power ", unnatural color liquid Italian Count Matgii who cured people of almost all diseases. You do not need to be very knowledgeable to understand: most of these versatile products with their armorial bearings, seals and recommendations were false. Those who sell them, wanted to earn more on people's health.
Dangerous was the fact that freely sold drugs, comprised of poisonous substances. Drugs for stomach, cough, hemorrhoids, epilepsy, cancer, from thousands of existing and not existing, curable and incurable diseases were on store shelves next to the oranges, chestnuts and mushrooms.
In any pharmacy without a prescription could buy a drop from tumors of Dr. Warburg or antigemorroidalnye pills Morrison and Larois.
These facts indicate that the pharmaceutical production in Galicia at the end of XIX century. with the development of industrial relations has become a simple craft.
Lack of doctors in the provinces of Galicia, where the majority of the population, led to the fact that they contained a pharmacy, barbers, priests, midwives, teachers who did not have the appropriate education. The people did not believe in treatment, recognizing only one drug for all diseases - "vodka". The bulk of the population, a dark and superstitious, adhered to the principle: "As God wills - and will.
The medical community Galicia was concerned about the situation in the field of manufacturing and selling potions, and that on the one hand, jeopardizes the health of thousands of people on the other hand - cast a shadow over qualified doctors and pharmacists.
Lviv Prof. Dr. Adam Chizhevich (1841-1910 Gg.) Deputy Provincial Diet and the chairman of the Provincial Health Board, speaking on 9 March 1883 at a meeting of the Central Regional Council of King's health, demanded an end to illegal activities of charlatans and deceivers. Here are three points Regulations:
1. Since then, as there are in the state medical school, the recommendation of medical preparations is the prerogative of those who graduated from school passed the examination.
2. Since then, as exists in the State Pharmacy - privileged institution for the production of drugs on the basis of medical prescriptions and requirements of pharmacopoeia - not difficult to sell the drug or drugs containing poisonous substances, which order does not come from an authorized physician
3. Since then, as there is in the state rule on price potions, and the way they use and the records never sold drugs with unknown ingredients, regardless of the treatment - homeopathic, electrical, etc. gidropaticheskih
Dr. Chizhevich paid attention to the incorrect announcement of drugs, the names are not in the pharmacopoeia, for example, Kilhelnia - tea purifying the blood, drops omolozhivayuschie pain expelier, balsam Vetoriniega, lime-iron syrup Emblem, extr. sarsaparillae Richter. These drugs are named after people who do not have permission for their manufacture.
Quite often home-made drugs were poisonous. For example, a drug for children «Jamar-indian grillon» (the name of the name of the doctor), contained in itself, except tamarind and the Seine, still podofilinu, poison for children. Granules with arsenite Dr. Addison gold, arsenic, were sold without a prescription.
Often psevdoaptekar gave his "drug" invented name without translation, as funnier, the better: «Eypeka tord». In fact, it was a poison for rats, according to the rules prohibited the sale of poisons.
By supporting the doctor Chizhevicha in its quest to streamline the system of manufacture and sale of drugs in Galicia, Regional Health Council decided: a) that every universal medicine as a drug, placed in the pharmacopoeia, had a name that defines its main chemical composition; b) the announcement of universal remedies, if the label does not indicate under what illness is used and the method of use should be prohibited.
Board of Health required that each pharmacy was necessary assortment of potions, which must be stored in appropriate conditions.
Drugs should be given every day and night, without delay and with proper signature. If a doctor makes a note on the recipe "urgently", the drug should be issued as soon as possible.
Much attention is paid to ensure government practitioners necessary drugs. Always a doctor must have a first aid kit for first aid. Kit consisted of such drugs:
1. Acidium tannicum, Doses № 10 a 100 gr:
2. Chloroformium, 100 gr:
3. Cuprum sulfuricum in pulver, 100 gr:
4. Morphinum hydrochloricum:
5. Tinctura opii symplex aa 20 gr;
Drugs for these kits doctors were to receive from the public pharmacies.
Pharmacy price list did not exist yet. Drug prices were set arbitrarily and, as a rule, were very high. In particular, became more expensive drugs during the siege of Lviv, because at this time the number of pharmacies has declined significantly. Drugs were not available to ordinary people.
In 1777 the new government of Austria has introduced the first price list, or pharmacy fee. Lviv pharmacists were dissatisfied with the establishment of uniform prices for drugs. They appealed to the authorities with a request to reduce the number of pharmacies in Lviv. The authorities have helped: the two pharmacies in the city was eliminated, the military banned the pharmacy to sell drugs to the civilian population.
Austrian authorities have allowed to produce complex drugs and medications that contain poisonous substances, only public and domestic pharmacies, banned the sale of medicines with it. All drugs shall be made only through a prescription of the authorized physician. Price of medicines were counted on the basis of government price list.
In 1869 the Austrian government approved a new pharmacy fee - much lower than the previous. Lviv pharmacists could not accept this, they sought to prove that free competition is the best regulator of prices.
Next tax was introduced in 1882. In this regard, the Central Regional Council of King's health at the meeting of 9 March 1883 decided: the price of universal potions should be adjusted to the price of the Austrian apothecary taxes.
At the end of XIX century. Some pharmacies have become public property. With this move could give aptekarstvu? First of all, the elimination of competition: to establish a monopoly, the government could dictate the prices of drugs, as well as take rekompensatsiyu for goods imported from abroad. Through wholesale suppliers prices of medicines were lower. After producing tablets, solutions, capsules, suppositories, ointments centrally, in a factory or in the laboratory, it was much cheaper than the pharmacy.
The Austrian authorities have set high requirements for quality potions, manufactured in pharmacies. Production of therapeutic drugs for sale to allow any pharmacist, but he must follow certain rules: to indicate the chemical composition of the drug and the number of components not only on the label, but also in newspaper advertising, the provincial authorities to provide the person responsible for manufacturing the drug.
Production of medicines, which include new substances, their sale (in this case the label must be listed diseases in which the drug is used) to permit only upon receipt of the concession. Concession (permission) for the production of the above drugs betrayed Central Royal Ministry of Interior on the basis of decisions of the Supreme Council of Health.
Government Regulation of 1807 required the pharmacists to keep medicines in clean and tidy. Drugs that by careless handling could someone harm, it was necessary to tightly closed. You can not sell without a prescription fast drugs. It was forbidden to prepare medicines on prescription of physicians and surgeons, not recognized doctoral Directorate. A list of such doctors should be in every pharmacy.
According to the Apothecary Charter in 1844 the main condition for quality of potions - honest attitude to their work of pharmacists, so the labels produced drugs pharmacist put his name.
Once a year, all pharmacy suddenly checked. This obliges pharmacists to maintain the pharmacy clean and tidy, take care of the quality of medicines. If the auditors had found tainted drugs - they were thrown. The first time the pharmacist warned in the second - he paid a fine for the poor. If the state of affairs did not change, then the pharmacy closed for a few months or forever.
Apothecaries Charter in 1844 required that each pharmacy had such a book: regulations for pharmacists and pharmacy Pharmacopoeia boundary and a hospital, a list of doctors and pharmacists, for the record books - recipes, selling manufactured drugs and poisons, a diary to record orders received from authorities.
In 1869 it published a new Austrian Pharmacopoeia, which contained information on all drugs and their constituents. By this time, Galician pharmacists use foreign pharmacopoeias or collections of rules for pharmacists.
In summary, we can say that the pharmacy in Galicia at the beginning of XVIII century. had a semi-artisan character and could not satisfy the needs of the population in medicines. This is primarily due to the fact that Galicia at that time was part of the Polish state in whose territory the medical business was not monitored by public authorities, there was no framework governing pharmacy services in the region.
At the end of XVIII century. Galicia and Volhynia were under the domination of Austria, where, in contrast to Poland, paid more attention to health. The Austrian Government has taken several measures to streamline medical care in Galicia. Legislation related to vocational training doctors, pharmacists private property, taxes on medicines, pharmacy premises equipment, the rules of production, storage, quality control and dispensing of medicines. All this contributed to the development of pharmaceutical business in Galicia and the emergence of the state of pharmacy in the region. Because in the XIX century. Galicia pharmacy no different from pharmacies in Europe. As European pharmacies, they were divided into categories and submitted primarily of Industry and Commerce Chamber (which was interested in the income pharmacists), and then - local health services management. The emergence of regulated state pharmacy network in the region has facilitated the development of pharmaceutical business in Galicia in the XIX century.
In the pharmacies used different tools - from primitive glasses and flasks of alchemists to the latest at the time of equipment - microscopes, analytical balances. The chemist, used different scales, manual typewriters to make pills and suppositories, shtanglassami porcelain, earthenware and made of stained glass and wood and metal, with inscriptions, frames, and the emblems of pharmacy sets mortars, presses for the manufacture of juices from herbs and fruits , travorezkami, infundirnymi apparatus, distilling stills for distilled water and alcohol, wine barrels and amphorae from clay for syrups, bast, wood, metal boxes for storing medicines.
In 1784 in Galicia entered the Vienna system measures and weights, and sternly forbidden to use the old Polish system of measures.
ripSobstvenniki pharmacies showed great interest in the invention of new devices, as they systematically informed pharmaceutical journals. So, interesting and informative article was "pharmaceutical scales" ("Pharmaceutical Gazette, 1888) - about the different types of weights, their practical application, the metric measure.
Per weight unit was adopted apothecary pound Libra, abbreviated as Lb is divided into 12 ounces. One ounce was 12 drachmas. One dram - 3 skurpuly / scurpulium /, one skurpula - 20 Grand Prix, one grand prize - the weight of one seed.
Provincial Health Council demanded that the pharmacists kept their equipment in perfect order. Analytical balances should be on a dedicated table for them and protected from vibration. All reagents and equipment - some of the cabinets, placed in an accessible location.
Board of Health has recognized equitable application pharmacists Eastern Galicia that withdraw from the rural pharmacies complex equipment, microscopes, analytical balances: they require a highly qualified pharmacists, therefore, hardly used.
Range Galician pharmacies XVIII-XIX centuries. 80% consisted of herbal medicines, which 57,7% - food processing plant raw material (oils, resins, essences and juice), chemicals were 6,7-10%, products of animal origin 7-10%.
Among the dosage forms were medicine, powders, drops, syrups, infusions, as well as a mixture of herbs.
In pharmacies also produced cakes, marzipan, liqueur and vodka products.
Stiff competition and the profit motive encouraged pharmacists to produce such products, which were not in other pharmacies.
With the development of pharmacies in research laboratories has increased output of goods produced by chemical processing. For example, the owner of the pharmacy "Under the gold star", a famous entrepreneur K. Mikolyash, set up production of various cosmetics, laboratory glass, paints and lacquers.
Although government regulations declared sale potions only the prerogative of the pharmacies, in fact medicinal substances sold everything they wanted. In each of notions, confectionery, vodka shops, even in the tailor shop you could see a variety of drugs in bottles, boxes and packages, labels are adorned with emblems of European countries and detailed evidence of their effectiveness.
Entire columns of edge and foreign newspapers were set aside for advertising universal miracle drugs, which was confirmed by prominent European doctors.
Each year the number of new drugs has increased, as their name, intended to superstitious man in the street, there were probably from the dead languages.
Lviv naive readers of magazines offered rings and perepaski, which allegedly included the strength of electrical and magnetism, tinctures, tablets, and pastes with the addition of the holy relics. Tout the power ", unnatural color liquid Italian Count Matgii who cured people of almost all diseases. You do not need to be very knowledgeable to understand: most of these versatile products with their armorial bearings, seals and recommendations were false. Those who sell them, wanted to earn more on people's health.
Dangerous was the fact that freely sold drugs, comprised of poisonous substances. Drugs for stomach, cough, hemorrhoids, epilepsy, cancer, from thousands of existing and not existing, curable and incurable diseases were on store shelves next to the oranges, chestnuts and mushrooms.
In any pharmacy without a prescription could buy a drop from tumors of Dr. Warburg or antigemorroidalnye pills Morrison and Larois.
These facts indicate that the pharmaceutical production in Galicia at the end of XIX century. with the development of industrial relations has become a simple craft.
Lack of doctors in the provinces of Galicia, where the majority of the population, led to the fact that they contained a pharmacy, barbers, priests, midwives, teachers who did not have the appropriate education. The people did not believe in treatment, recognizing only one drug for all diseases - "vodka". The bulk of the population, a dark and superstitious, adhered to the principle: "As God wills - and will.
The medical community Galicia was concerned about the situation in the field of manufacturing and selling potions, and that on the one hand, jeopardizes the health of thousands of people on the other hand - cast a shadow over qualified doctors and pharmacists.
Lviv Prof. Dr. Adam Chizhevich (1841-1910 Gg.) Deputy Provincial Diet and the chairman of the Provincial Health Board, speaking on 9 March 1883 at a meeting of the Central Regional Council of King's health, demanded an end to illegal activities of charlatans and deceivers. Here are three points Regulations:
1. Since then, as there are in the state medical school, the recommendation of medical preparations is the prerogative of those who graduated from school passed the examination.
2. Since then, as exists in the State Pharmacy - privileged institution for the production of drugs on the basis of medical prescriptions and requirements of pharmacopoeia - not difficult to sell the drug or drugs containing poisonous substances, which order does not come from an authorized physician
3. Since then, as there is in the state rule on price potions, and the way they use and the records never sold drugs with unknown ingredients, regardless of the treatment - homeopathic, electrical, etc. gidropaticheskih
Dr. Chizhevich paid attention to the incorrect announcement of drugs, the names are not in the pharmacopoeia, for example, Kilhelnia - tea purifying the blood, drops omolozhivayuschie pain expelier, balsam Vetoriniega, lime-iron syrup Emblem, extr. sarsaparillae Richter. These drugs are named after people who do not have permission for their manufacture.
Quite often home-made drugs were poisonous. For example, a drug for children «Jamar-indian grillon» (the name of the name of the doctor), contained in itself, except tamarind and the Seine, still podofilinu, poison for children. Granules with arsenite Dr. Addison gold, arsenic, were sold without a prescription.
Often psevdoaptekar gave his "drug" invented name without translation, as funnier, the better: «Eypeka tord». In fact, it was a poison for rats, according to the rules prohibited the sale of poisons.
By supporting the doctor Chizhevicha in its quest to streamline the system of manufacture and sale of drugs in Galicia, Regional Health Council decided: a) that every universal medicine as a drug, placed in the pharmacopoeia, had a name that defines its main chemical composition; b) the announcement of universal remedies, if the label does not indicate under what illness is used and the method of use should be prohibited.
Board of Health required that each pharmacy was necessary assortment of potions, which must be stored in appropriate conditions.
Drugs should be given every day and night, without delay and with proper signature. If a doctor makes a note on the recipe "urgently", the drug should be issued as soon as possible.
Much attention is paid to ensure government practitioners necessary drugs. Always a doctor must have a first aid kit for first aid. Kit consisted of such drugs:
1. Acidium tannicum, Doses № 10 a 100 gr:
2. Chloroformium, 100 gr:
3. Cuprum sulfuricum in pulver, 100 gr:
4. Morphinum hydrochloricum:
5. Tinctura opii symplex aa 20 gr;
Drugs for these kits doctors were to receive from the public pharmacies.
Pharmacy price list did not exist yet. Drug prices were set arbitrarily and, as a rule, were very high. In particular, became more expensive drugs during the siege of Lviv, because at this time the number of pharmacies has declined significantly. Drugs were not available to ordinary people.
In 1777 the new government of Austria has introduced the first price list, or pharmacy fee. Lviv pharmacists were dissatisfied with the establishment of uniform prices for drugs. They appealed to the authorities with a request to reduce the number of pharmacies in Lviv. The authorities have helped: the two pharmacies in the city was eliminated, the military banned the pharmacy to sell drugs to the civilian population.
Austrian authorities have allowed to produce complex drugs and medications that contain poisonous substances, only public and domestic pharmacies, banned the sale of medicines with it. All drugs shall be made only through a prescription of the authorized physician. Price of medicines were counted on the basis of government price list.
In 1869 the Austrian government approved a new pharmacy fee - much lower than the previous. Lviv pharmacists could not accept this, they sought to prove that free competition is the best regulator of prices.
Next tax was introduced in 1882. In this regard, the Central Regional Council of King's health at the meeting of 9 March 1883 decided: the price of universal potions should be adjusted to the price of the Austrian apothecary taxes.
At the end of XIX century. Some pharmacies have become public property. With this move could give aptekarstvu? First of all, the elimination of competition: to establish a monopoly, the government could dictate the prices of drugs, as well as take rekompensatsiyu for goods imported from abroad. Through wholesale suppliers prices of medicines were lower. After producing tablets, solutions, capsules, suppositories, ointments centrally, in a factory or in the laboratory, it was much cheaper than the pharmacy.
The Austrian authorities have set high requirements for quality potions, manufactured in pharmacies. Production of therapeutic drugs for sale to allow any pharmacist, but he must follow certain rules: to indicate the chemical composition of the drug and the number of components not only on the label, but also in newspaper advertising, the provincial authorities to provide the person responsible for manufacturing the drug.
Production of medicines, which include new substances, their sale (in this case the label must be listed diseases in which the drug is used) to permit only upon receipt of the concession. Concession (permission) for the production of the above drugs betrayed Central Royal Ministry of Interior on the basis of decisions of the Supreme Council of Health.
Government Regulation of 1807 required the pharmacists to keep medicines in clean and tidy. Drugs that by careless handling could someone harm, it was necessary to tightly closed. You can not sell without a prescription fast drugs. It was forbidden to prepare medicines on prescription of physicians and surgeons, not recognized doctoral Directorate. A list of such doctors should be in every pharmacy.
According to the Apothecary Charter in 1844 the main condition for quality of potions - honest attitude to their work of pharmacists, so the labels produced drugs pharmacist put his name.
Once a year, all pharmacy suddenly checked. This obliges pharmacists to maintain the pharmacy clean and tidy, take care of the quality of medicines. If the auditors had found tainted drugs - they were thrown. The first time the pharmacist warned in the second - he paid a fine for the poor. If the state of affairs did not change, then the pharmacy closed for a few months or forever.
Apothecaries Charter in 1844 required that each pharmacy had such a book: regulations for pharmacists and pharmacy Pharmacopoeia boundary and a hospital, a list of doctors and pharmacists, for the record books - recipes, selling manufactured drugs and poisons, a diary to record orders received from authorities.
In 1869 it published a new Austrian Pharmacopoeia, which contained information on all drugs and their constituents. By this time, Galician pharmacists use foreign pharmacopoeias or collections of rules for pharmacists.
In summary, we can say that the pharmacy in Galicia at the beginning of XVIII century. had a semi-artisan character and could not satisfy the needs of the population in medicines. This is primarily due to the fact that Galicia at that time was part of the Polish state in whose territory the medical business was not monitored by public authorities, there was no framework governing pharmacy services in the region.
At the end of XVIII century. Galicia and Volhynia were under the domination of Austria, where, in contrast to Poland, paid more attention to health. The Austrian Government has taken several measures to streamline medical care in Galicia. Legislation related to vocational training doctors, pharmacists private property, taxes on medicines, pharmacy premises equipment, the rules of production, storage, quality control and dispensing of medicines. All this contributed to the development of pharmaceutical business in Galicia and the emergence of the state of pharmacy in the region. Because in the XIX century. Galicia pharmacy no different from pharmacies in Europe. As European pharmacies, they were divided into categories and submitted primarily of Industry and Commerce Chamber (which was interested in the income pharmacists), and then - local health services management. The emergence of regulated state pharmacy network in the region has facilitated the development of pharmaceutical business in Galicia in the XIX century.
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